Fire Danger Low
Larry Sippel
Larry Sippel
For many firefighters, Larry was an RCVFD institution.
Larry Sippel
Larry Sippel
Everyone in the community knew and loved Larry.
Larry Sippel
Larry Sippel
When you had the privilege of working with Larry, he made you feel like a partner in crime.
Larry Sippel
Larry Sippel
Larry was never concerned about outward appearances. The job got done, and if there were some laughs along the way, even better.
Larry Sippel
Larry Sippel
When it came to volunteering for his department, Larry was never afraid of the dirty jobs - or dirty water.
Larry's wife Viv was one of our EMTs for many years, too.
Sky is the limit
RCVFD maintains an efficient Quick Medical Response Team. We coordinate our medical response with Poudre Valley EMS Ambulance, Thompson Valley EMS, and and Flight for Life Services like Airlink.
Structural Firefighting
Equipped with advanced CAFS and 10 Scott Air Packs RCVFD can provide resources for Structure and Vehicle Fires.
Wildland Attack
RCVFD maintains an NWCG certified Wildland Initial Attack Team. With over 30 certified firefighters, 10 vehicles and a variety of specialized tools, our volunteer fire department can access some of the most remote areas in our 100 square mile area.
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Looking to Volunteer with Us?
You think you have what it takes? Find out how.
5 Ways to Live Safely in Mountains
Fire Adapted Communities, Firewise, Ready Set Go - - What do all these things have in common
Regardless what you call it, living in the mountains means being prepared. Learn 5 things that just may save your life and give your house a fighting chance
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Be prepared
Be Involved in RCVFD
Rist Canyon is unique place to live and raise a family. Your ability to have a voice in our local fire department is unmatched in many parts of the country. Find out how to get involved
RCVFD is 100% staffed by volunteers. From the Board of Directors to the the Firefighters working on the front lines, each person is someone giving their time from our community. There are many ways to get involved- find out how
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Your community, your fire department
  • 5 Ways to Live Safely in Mountains Be prepared
  • Be Involved in RCVFD Your community, your fire department
Another day on the job!
photos by Mike McDonnell from PCFPD
photos by Mike McDonnell from PCFPD
Responding with Hope
Mark Neuroth
Mark Neuroth Chief RCVFD
Operational Questions?
Mark McCracken
Mark McCracken Web Admin
Technical Questions?
Neil Faber
Neil Faber President BOD
Contact our Board President

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