Tuesday, 19 April 2016 06:34

How To Help

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10 Ways Your Can Help Support RCVFD

  1. Drop the Chief and email and let us know how we are doing - Contact Us
  2. Donate to RCVFD Donate Now!
  3. Help out with the Rist Canyon Mountain Festival -from books to booths and pieces of art to pies...we need your help to pull this off!
  4. Attend the Annual Meeting hmmmm potluck!
  5. Support your business with an ad in Ristwatch Contact the RistWatch Editor
  6. Run for one of the Board of Directors positions (this is an annual position and so much fun) BOD Officers are elected by the General Membership. consist of President, Immediate Past-President, First Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Area Representatives and Newsletter Editor.Contact the BOD President
  7. Become a responder. See the section Meetings are 2nd Wed each month More information on responding here
  8. Bake a pie for the responders Wed night meeting.... they love pie
  9. Purchase a reflective address sign for the driveway to your home. This makes it a lot easier to find you and your neighbors
  10. Did I mention Donate Now!
Read 13849 times Last modified on Tuesday, 26 April 2016 21:21
More in this category: « Donate Now Norm Miller »