Friday, 26 April 2019 21:55

2019 Wildland Refresher


Beaver Fire Deployment

Point Fire Review

Review the 18 watchout situations 

LCES Discussion

2018 Season Review


Expected Conditions 2019

Fire Weather and Current Fire Forecast 2019

Colorado Drought  monitor


National Predictive Services

Where to find the weather report


Cardiac Arrest 

Jesse's house has a large brush pile burning on dry ground.  It is July wind direction is south winds 5-8 mph picking up with gusts to 30 at 10:30 am but expecting to switch as thunderstorms build towards the east 1:00 pm.  Create a 2 squads with wet lines and put out the brush pile as well as any spots.  

1. immediate assessment - 360, LCES in place, 900 and Larimer couty size up. rate of spread  gear/tools CAN report Watchout 

2.  After arrival  

3. Assess and prep structure for possible fire. 


Lay out 6  hoses with y gates, nozzles  3 per team.  First team to spray water wins! 

Fill 2 porta tanks with water.  Get floating pump and 100 ft of hose to spray water. First one wins.  


Visibility  during an increase in fire activity 313 incident 




Health and Safety  Smoke Dangers

Read 11853 times Last modified on Friday, 26 April 2019 21:57

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